• Gönderilme: 2011-09-03
  • Yazar: hottuna

itoopie and I2PControl are launching!

I'm happy to announce that itoopie and I2PControl are available publicly.

itoopie is a graphical interface intended as a compliment to the I2P Router Console. The aim of itoopie is to provide an interface that is simpler and has a lower lurning curve than the I2P Router Console.

I2PControl is an I2P plugin providing a JSONRPC interface for the I2P router. The interface supports setting basic settings (bandwidth, ports etc.), reading many stats and is provided over an SSL encrypted HTTP connection.

More information and instructions can be found at itoopie.i2p.xyz.

This project has been funded by the VPN services Relakks & Ipredator and was initiated by Jan-Erik Fiske and Peter Sunde.

Thank you Jan-Erik and Peter,

// hottuna